Angajare grant writer
26 ianuarie 2021
Dacă ai diplomă în științe naturale sau specializări similare, știi engleză și ai scris proiecte care au fost aprobate s-ar putea să îți placă sa ni te alături.
· degree in natural sciences, environmental engineering or similar
· 3 -5 years of relevant experience, writing projects that have been approved and funded, especially from European funds
· good command of written and spoken English
· excellent writing, analytical, research and computer skills
· a solid understanding of budgets as they relate to proposals and grants
· strong familiarity with government and foundation contract, grant proposal and reporting processes
· self-motivated, detail oriented, highly organized with the ability to implement systems and follow-up processes, able to work under pressure use independent judgment and produce a quality work product within tight time constrains
· ability to work well under pressure and the ability to seek and synthesize information and communicate in a compelling and succinct
· strong interpersonal skills
· ability to work in a team environment yet be self-directed, as required ability to manage and meet multiple deadlines
· strong aptitude for learning new software programs and identifying appropriate software tools to meet organizational needs
· a constructive attitude focused on identifying options
· good sense of humor
· strong aptitude for learning new software programs and identifying appropriate software tools to meet organizational needs
· the ability to give and receive feedback
· assemble and submit grant requests for public and foundation funders, including letters, proposals, budgets, and presentations
· establish and maintain personal contact and relationships with foundation contacts, conduct prospect research, and maintain a calendar of submissions and other deadlines
· persuasively communicating the organization’s mission and programs to potential funders
· prioritizing projects to keep multiple projects moving in a timely manner, meet deadlines and manage supplemental material required for proposals
· review and develop a thorough understanding of all current SOR grant contracts and of SOR’s programs
To Apply
Please submit your resume, mentioning at least an approved grant application that you prepared to office@sor.ro.
Only those whose applications are being considered will be contacted.
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Uite Barza!
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